Stand Together x

Other - Video

Stand Together was a very short video created for the Brunswick Fire Company #1 and presented at the installment banquet a few years back. The video is a collection of images taken both recently and from the firehouse archives. The music was chosen for both its style and message about standing together.

The video had a strong impact on the firehouse and was very well received by its members who even a year later continue to talk about it. The project also helped to digitize many of the firehouse's older photographs and preserve these photos for future generations.

Song Credit
Nickelback - "When We Stand Together"
Roadrunner Records 2011

I also produced another video featuring Brunswick #1 and volunteer firefighters in general for a class project: Real Super Heroes

Note: The logo linking to this page was also of my design, it was a concept for a possible new badge for station 4, featuring a four leaf clover.