Light From Space x


Light from Space was a public art installation and part of my final project for Intermediate Imaging. The assignment was to design an art installation for a public space that was not only aesthetically pleasing but also complimented the space used. For my project I focused on creating a dynamic art installation that changed with the lighting conditions of the space.

To create a dynamic installation I chose to print my artwork on cellophane and place it over windows that faced the sun in an open stairwell in RPI's West Hall. As lighting conditions changed outside so to would the conditions of the art installation. This project would later be the inspiration for Color and Lights which was based on a very similar concept.

As part of this project we were also tasked with creating a website about our project and it's installation. Creating this website was a huge learning experience as it introduced me to CSS and website organization. The website for this project can be viewed here: Project.html

The installation we left in place after the project was completed and remained in place for several years before being taken down during building renovations.