HDR & Panorama Photography x


HDR or high-dynamic-range imaging is a set of techniques utilized to reproduce a much greater range of luminosity and colors when compared to traditional forms of photography. This type of photography requires that a camera take multiple pictures with varying settings (shutter speed/F-stops) and then combining them together using computer software to bring out specific details in each photograph. The results of HDR can be quite impressive and are used extensively in print media.

Another fun photography technique is taking full 360 panorama photographs. This can be as simple as using an application on a cell phone or as complex as using an SLR camera, specific settings, and some form of software that combines the images in post to create a full 360 degree panorama. Below are two examples of panorama shots that I have taken using Canon SLR cameras:

Photography is a fun way of capturing the world around us, by using some simple yet innovative techniques we can use photography to see things that would be impossible to see otherwise.